
基金会与企业关系办公室: The Office of 基金会及企业关系 works in partnership with Skidmore College's faculty, administration, alumni 和 friends to secure external funding from national, regional 和 local foundations 和 corporations for campus priorities 和 项目. The work that we do helps the College to offer new 和 innovative 项目, support faculty-driven initiatives, exp和 the curriculum, enhance the physical plant 提高我们社区的生活质量.

赞助研究办公室: The mission of the 赞助研究办公室 is to provide faculty members with the support 和 resources needed to fund 和 manage their creative, scholarly, 和 研究努力. 该办事处为火博体育社区提供高质量的服务 with the goal of increasing externally sponsored funding for individual faculty research while also ensuring compliance with College 和 sponsor policies 和 regulations.

奖强调: Africana Studies 和 the Humanities: Transnational Explorations in Social Justice

梅隆基金会授予火博体育学院1美元.一亿八千五百万资助火博体育 Black Studies Program 和 Racial Justice Teaching Challenge, advancing Africana studies 和 social 正义 at the College through innovative course creation 和 teaching, 本科研究和跨学科合作. 三年补助金 comes as part of the Foundation’s Humanities for 所有 Times initiative, which supports curricular projects in the liberal arts that help students to see 和 experience the applicability of humanities in their real-world social 正义 objectives.

Funding for Skidmore’s project, Africana Studies 和 the Humanities: Transnational Explorations in Social Justice, will support the development of new courses for the College’s Black Studies Program through the launch of “learning communities” that will help faculty to refine their own underst和ing of new teaching methods, schools of thought, 和 areas of study that will diversify curriculum 和 illuminate social 学科内部和跨学科的司法问题.

This effort will directly reinforce the College’s Racial Justice Teaching Challenge (RJTC), launched in spring 2021 to increase Skidmore’s curricular focus on racial 正义. 由美国研究部门和黑人研究项目协调 和 supported by the Office of the President 和 the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the RJTC encouraged faculty to develop content on racial 正义 和/or Black studies for their spring 2021 和 fall 2021 courses, in consultation with Associate Professor of American Studies 贝克Krefting 和 Professor 和 Director of the Black Studies Program 温斯顿Grady-Willis, co-principal investigators of the 梅隆格兰特.

The learning communities, three of which were launched last January, are a combined effort of the project team 和 other Skidmore faculty 和 staff across a variety of 学科. 参加活动的还有唐朝教学博物馆、斯克里布纳图书馆和 The Center, a 5,000-square-foot facility that promotes principles of equity, inclusion, 和 正义 in multidisciplinary programming for students, staff, 和 faculty. 所有 of these resources 和 spaces will support research, discussion, 和 creation of new 课程内容.

In addition to supporting course development, the grant will seed undergraduate research that centers on racial 正义 和 engages with colonization/decolonization 和 power 系统和结构. 它还将资助创建两个为期两年的博士后 在黑人研究中有明确的人文基础的职位. 这个项目 在1月中旬开始在全国范围内招聘这些职位.

赞助商亮点:梅隆基金会  梅隆基金会

The 梅隆基金会 believes that the arts 和 humanities are where we express our complex humanity, 和 we believe that everyone deserves the beauty, transcendence, 在那里可以找到自由. 通过我们的赠款,我们寻求建立公正的社区 enriched by meaning 和 empowered by critical thinking, where ideas 和 imagination 可以茁壮成长. 梅隆大学在四个核心项目领域提供资助: 艺术与文化高等学校人文学科到位; 和 公共知识.




温斯顿Grady-Willis 是黑人研究教授和黑人研究项目主任. 一个历史学家 of twentieth-century global African experiences, he teaches intersectional courses that are a gateway to Africana Studies, illuminate Black radical social movements, 并强调黑人女权主义传统. 他的第一本书, 挑战你.S. 种族隔离:亚特兰大和黑人争取人权的斗争,1960-1977, focuses on the transition from nonviolent direct action to Black Power in ways that 这是穷苦黑人工人的心声. 他也是 The Struggle Continues: Historical 和 Contemporary Issues in Africana Studies, 黑人研究入门课程的电子教科书




美国戏剧研究学会: 出版 & 表现奖


国家人文基金会: 研究奖学金


白粉的基础: 创作非虚构补助金



罗素·塞奇基金会: 研究经费

斯宾塞的基础: 教育研究补助金:数额庞大 (申请意向)

威廉T. 格兰特基金会: 减少不平等的研究资助改善研究证据使用的研究资助


国家人文基金会: 人文活动




项目人员简介:beck kreft


贝克Krefting is Associate Professor in the American Studies Department 和 affiliate faculty for Gender Studies, Black Studies, Intergroup Relations, 和 Media 和 Film Studies at 火博体育大学. 她是一位跨学科的幽默研究学者,教授课程 on the history of st和-up comedy, critical whiteness, post-apocalyptic texts, research 方法论和黑人女权主义思想. 她的专著, 别开玩笑:美国人的幽默及其不满 (Johns Hopkins UP), charts the history 和 economy of “charged humor” or st和-up 以社会正义为目标的喜剧. 她是编辑文集的特约作者 其中包括: 歇斯底里的!:美国喜剧中的女性 (德克萨斯大学出版社,2017) 美国女作家的越界幽默 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017) 笑话在我们身上:新自由主义时代(晚期)的政治喜剧 (列克星敦出版社,2019) 喜剧中的伦理:越界论文集 (麦克法兰,2020),以及 表明立场:美国单口喜剧演员是公共知识分子 (密西西比大学出版社,2021年). 你可以阅读汉娜·加兹比的文章 刊登于 电影与媒体研究杂志 美国幽默研究 or an examination of comedy’s role in #MeToo 和 Black Lives Matter Movements in a 出版于 当代政治理论 (2021年6月). Beck has been invited to speak about her research at colleges 和 universities domestically 和 internationally, most recently at universities in Copenhagen, Hannover, 慕尼黑,莱比锡和德累斯顿. 目前的研究包括:历史/史学 of st和-up comedy, feminist comedy studies, 和 prepper/survivalist subcultures. 她目前的新书计划暂定名为: The Economy of St和-up Comedy: Tribalism, Identity Politics, 和 Emotional Capital. She is the current Vice-President (和 President-elect, 2022-2024) of the American 幽默研究协会的编辑委员会 美国幽默研究 as well as being an advisory board member for Penn State University Press’s Humor 在美国系列. 大多数情况下,她喜欢笑,游泳和社交工作 正义.